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Draft: Kleopatra: change secret key import behavior when importing more than one
Open, NormalPublic


On import of more than one secret keys a once, you are asked for one of these "Is this your key?" but not for the others.

I would expect a behavior similar to the one when importing public keys, where we only open a certification dialog if only one certificate is imported.


VSD 3.3.0

Event Timeline

The situation seems to be even more complicated: If I click "yes" or "no" in this dialog, I *do* get asked for all certificates that are being imported. If I click "Cancel", no more dialogs show up.

The "Cancel" button isn't great anyway: It's unclear to the user *what* is being canceled. The keys are still imported, so apparently it's just about not setting the trust for the certificates. Maybe it would make sense to remove this button?

(Independently of that, removing the question when importing multiple secret keys could make sense)

You need to be asked this question when you restore the backup of all of your keys or when you migrate all your secret keys to a new computer.

We could consider adding a "Yes to all" button (and maybe other buttons as in KIO's Overwrite dialog and our fork of it) so that one doesn't have to answer Yes or No many times.

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Tue, Feb 11, 11:16 AM