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Kleopatra: Do only ask for confirmation twice when deleting a secret key
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Currently, when you delete a secret key from Kleopatra you get asked for confirmation twice by Kleopatra and then gpg asks via pinentry window for confirmation for every subkey.

So you have to confirm 4 (!) times for the deletion of the key.
And if you do not always answer "delete" you may end up with a key with out primary. Which is probably not what the user intended.

Please remove the pinentry dialogs and delete the whole key after the second confirmation.


VSD 3.3.0, Gpg4win 4.4.0

Event Timeline

ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: Do only ask for confirmation once when deleting a secret key to Kleopatra: Do only ask for confirmation twice when deleting a secret key.Thu, Feb 20, 3:48 PM
werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Fri, Feb 21, 9:11 AM