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Pinentry: display issue for symmetric password view
Open, LowPublic


In the password window for symmetric encryption, choose password auto generation:

Before passord entry:


Issues: (Edited 2025-03-05)

  • The pinentry window gets smaller when the password is inserted (and you can not enlarge it, though the latter might be true in KF5, too)
  • The first line does not show the whole password, the first 4 characters are missing
  • There are no longer whitespaces inserted after every 5 characters. Which we do for better readability of the password in KF 5, And there was no decision to change that.

Please make it so that both lines show the whole password.


Version (Gpg4win-5.0.0-beta125)

Event Timeline

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Wed, Mar 5, 1:31 PM
ebo created this task.

I can find no difference between e.g. gpg4win-4.3.0 and 5.0-beta here:

  • The window gets smaller when entering a password in both versions
  • there is no whitespace between characters in the old version either

Oh, then I mistakenly assumed that this behavior is the same in Gpg4win and GnuPG-VSD…
Then this seems to be by design although it does not make sense IMHO to handle this aspect differently between 4win und VSD.

This is how it looks in VSD 3.3.0:

Here I had to enlarge the width of the second screenshot, as the window gets broader.

Ok, the behavior is different depending on if


is set or not.

And additionally I have learned that Kleopatra has no influence on pinentry windows at all. Therefore I'll change this ticket to one for pinentry with the aim to make the window always wide enough to show the whole password.

ebo lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.Wed, Mar 5, 2:33 PM
ebo edited projects, added pinentry; removed kleopatra.

The formatted display of the symmetric passphrase is configurable: gpg-agent.conf option pinentry-formatted-passphrase

ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: In KF6 version display issue for symmetric password view to Pinentry: display issue for symmetric password view.Wed, Mar 5, 2:40 PM
ebo updated the task description. (Show Details)