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gpgpass: password file creation GUI issues
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After clicking "Add entry":

  • First window is not high enough to show the buttons at the bottom. This is the first time I ever used the action on this installation, if I enlarge it, this will be remembered. If you don't want to make the window higher, make the notes field smaller, it does not need 4 lines of height if there is nothing written in it, 2 would suffice to show that more than one line can be entered.

  • Inconsistent button order:

In the password file view the OK button is left, in the "Generate password" window, "Apply Password" (= OK) is left.

  • the upper edge of the "generate password window" is outside of the desktop, this should not happen
  • The cursor in the "generate password window" is in the password field. Hitting return does nothing. As the "Apply password" button is blue I would expect it to save/select the password.
  • After clicking "Apply" OK is similarly preselected, but pressing return unexpectedly cancels the password file creation instead of saving the file:



Event Timeline

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Wed, Mar 12, 3:30 PM
werner added a project: Bug Report.