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List of MD5 sums
Closed, ResolvedPublic



If I may make a suggestion... I think it would make things much
easier if all the md5sums were on the download page and/or the
integrity check page. It took me a while to find the correct
one, since I downloaded windows 1.2.1-1 and the md5sum for that
version doesn't appear even in the release notes...


What about an extra text file, possibly signed with all the MD5sums and some grep magic to insert into the page?

Event Timeline

werner added a subscriber: marcus.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Wrong category

MD5 sums weren't not shown on download/index.html due to a
site compilation bug.

We may still gather all the MD5 sums at the end of
download/integrity_check.html page for user benefit.

A MD5 sum summary has been added to
download/integrity_check.html page.