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I can't decrypt sent e-mails
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I have matched the option "encrypt sent message with the default key" and...
nothing heppend. I can encrypt my e-mails with public key of the recipient but
it seems that GPGol doesn't encrypt it with my own public key, so I can't read
sent e-mails. When I try to decrypt sent message it gives me an popup "secret
key doesn't exist"
I have MS Outlook 2003 with SP2 and other functionality of gpg and gpgol is OK.
Do anyone have any idea what to do?

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werner lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Normal.
werner removed a project: Bug Report.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Check that you entered the correct key id in the option dialog. It must be the
key id of your own key (one which has a secret key).

Thanks!, the problem was I've entered the complite asc key name. When I enter
only the ID of my key everything works OK.