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check-sigs is ambiguous when both signatures and revocations are present
Closed, ResolvedPublic


check-sigs does not emit fine-grained timestamps that would allow a user to
evaluate a series of revocations and signatures to determine whether a signature
should be treated as revoked or not.

Three things would be helpful to do this with:

  • fix 0 -- emit timestamp in the output
  • fix 1 -- sort signatures by timestamp
  • fix 2 -- explicitly mark all signatures that should be treated as revoked

Event Timeline

It does with --with-colons --fixed-list-mode:

  1. Field: Creation Date (in UTC). For UID and UAT records, this is the self-signature date. Note that the date is usally printed in seconds since epoch, however, we are migrating to an ISO 8601 format (e.g. "19660205T091500"). This is currently only relevant for X.509, A simple way to detect the format is be scannning for the 'T'.

I noticed that you filed several feature requests. It is better to take such
things to the mailing list

werner claimed this task.