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GPGol creates attachments with double filename suffixes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dear all,

by default, GPGol creates filenames with double suffixes for encrypted attachments.
That means, Attachment.doc becomes Attachment.doc.pgp .

That leads to conflicts with some mail servers that filter such files because of
a possible threat (remember IloveYou.txt.vbs).
On these systems, either the attachment is deleted or the mail is rejected entirely.
Is there a way to tell GPGol not to use these double suffixes, so that
Attachment.doc becomes Attachment.pgp or (as in GPGShell) Attachment_doc.pgp?

I would greatly appreciate if a feature like this could be implemented into GPGol.

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards,




Event Timeline

DAC324 added projects: Feature Request, gpgol.
DAC324 added a subscriber: DAC324.
werner claimed this task.

I am sorry, but we won't add such a feature for these reasons:

  • gpg 0.9.x is not being further developed by replaced by the gpgol as included in the gpg4win/2 package.
  • Having 2 dots in a file name is perfectly okay and pretty standard these days.
  • PGP/MIME is the way togo and not theindividual encryption of mail parts.

Thus there is no more reason to add an extension to the attachments. Actually
the current gpgol does only create PGP/MIME.