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PWRzTOtacorTPq7KNW4oFec8F (JRT)


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User Since
May 28 2020, 4:13 PM (248 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 28 2020

PWRzTOtacorTPq7KNW4oFec8F added a comment to T2291: Smartcard interaction improvement (was: Shadowed private key design (for smartcard)).

Is there a blogpost or similar where the use of several smartcards following this improvement is explained to n00bs like me? :) For now all I find is this thread and some SE answers saying it does not work yet ( . If somebody could post a new answer on SE / write a small blog post or similar that would be great. Useful would be to have 1) from which versions and over is that available 2) how this works / how to use.

May 28 2020, 10:18 PM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Feature Request
PWRzTOtacorTPq7KNW4oFec8F renamed T4959: confusing output when running `gpg --delete-secrete-keys` without name from confusing output when running ```gpg --delete-secrete-keys``` without name to confusing output when running `gpg --delete-secrete-keys` without name.
May 28 2020, 10:08 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Bug Report
PWRzTOtacorTPq7KNW4oFec8F created T4959: confusing output when running `gpg --delete-secrete-keys` without name.
May 28 2020, 10:07 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Bug Report