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- Mar 27 2017, 4:47 PM (414 w, 19 m)
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- Available
Dec 11 2015
It sounds great!
So this patch, as the previous one, solves the "incorrect display of GPG 2
output translated into another language" (as reported here and previously also
in Issue 1373 and Issue 1674).
Does this patch solve also the "incorrect display of filenames with non ASCII
characters" (as reported here and previously also in Issue 1409)?
By the way, as I understand, this patch doesn't fix:
- the more critical "passphrase with non ASCII characters" problem (as reported
only here, see T1691 (andreaerdna on Aug 19 2014, 02:36 AM / Roundup)); does this bug need a
dedicated new Issue to be addressed and solved?
- the "utf-8 encoding of encrypted filenames" / "strange behaviour of --utf8-
strings, --no-utf8-strings and --charset options" (as reported in Issue 1409 ad
probably similar to Gpgtar Issue 1624 / Gpa Issue 2185)
- the "charset weirdness searching keyserver for some non-ASCII user IDs under
non-UTF-8 locales" (as reported in Issue 1514).
Aug 25 2014
Thanks Andre for the patch!
I managed to build gpg4win with the patch added and I verified that it seems to
solve the problem reported by me and also in Issues 1373 and 1674!
But I'd like to summarize the problems related to the charset / codepage on MS
Windows of which I am aware, as a reminder:
- incorrect display of GPG 2 output translated into another language (also
reported in Issue 1373 and Issue 1674): fixed by your patch;
- passphrases (both for secret keys and symmetrical encryption) with non ASCII
characters set using GPG 1.4.18 are considered not valid using GPG 2.0.26 and
vice versa
- incorrect display of filenames with non ASCII characters (also in Issue 1409)
- GPG 2.0.26 and 1.4.18 ignore or weirdly comply with --utf8-strings, --no-
utf8-strings or --charset options for utf-8 encoding of encrypted filenames (see
Issue 1409)
- charset weirdness searching keyserver for some non-ASCII user IDs under non-
UTF-8 locales (see Issue 1514 - although relates to Linux it seems to occur also
on Windows, both CLI and GPA but not Kleopatra)
Hope this will help to improve the great GnuPG :-)
Aug 19 2014
Thanks Werner. I had already done a search among the issues using the world "charset", but the 1373 issue was
not displayed.
However the bug occurs more problematically with passphrases: a secret key passphrase with non ASCII characters
set using GPG 1.4.18 for a given key is considered not valid using GPG v 2.0.26 to deal with the same key and
vice versa.
I think this problem may cause a lot of trouble to users.
The bug also occurs using filenames in which there are characters outside the ASCII block. This occurs also
setting LC_MESSAGES=C or LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 (i.e. gpg -vvvv --verify C:\Users\Andrea\Downloads\gpg4win-
2.2.2-beta37_è_.exe.sig -> "gpg: assuming signed data in `C:\\Users\\Andrea\\Downloads\\gpg4win-2.2.2-
beta37_Þ_.exe'" in which are also wrongly displayed double backslashes instead of single) and also with gpg
1.4.18 (but without the double backslashes). Luckily this does not prevent the signature verification. It's
similar to T1409.
Some additional information:
the CHCP command executed at the Windows command prompt reports: "Tabella codici attiva: 850" (active codepage
using the -vvvv option with the --verify command, gpg 2.0.26 and 1.4.18 report: "gpg: using character set
Aug 17 2014
GnuPG 2.0.26 (part of Gpg4win 2.2.2-beta37, but the --version command
incorrectly reports Gpg4win 2.2.2-beta33) on MS Windows 7 64 bit SP1 seems to
have the usual annoying bug related to a charset / codepage translation problem
when localized in a language other than english (italian, in my case).
For instance, the character "è" 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE' [(U+00E8) |
UTF-8 0xC3 0xA8 (c3a8) | CP850 8a] is wrongly displayed as the character "Þ"
'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN' [(U+00DE) | UTF-8 0xC3 0x9E (c39e) | CP850 e8]
GnuPG 1.4.18 (binary from does not have the above problem.
My system:
Windows 7 64 bit SP1
Localization: Italy - italian
Command prompt codepage: 850