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dcialdella (daniel cialdella)


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User Since
Apr 29 2018, 1:40 PM (360 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 6 2018

dcialdella added a comment to T3963: Invalid Crypto Engine - ( Xubuntu 18.04 ) version of GPG4USB & .

I downloaded it and I' m using it.
Nice feature the "notepad".... easier for encrypt/sign.

May 6 2018, 7:40 PM · gpgme, Bug Report
dcialdella added a comment to T3963: Invalid Crypto Engine - ( Xubuntu 18.04 ) version of GPG4USB & .

OOooh yeee.
Ok. Didn't know how bad gpg4usb really is.
I looked into it. Gpg4usb distributes their own binary GPGME version I don't even know which version that is. They are in violation of the GPL as they don't offer the source code of that GPGME version.

So, don't use it please what they do is horrible from a security standpoint. Try using Kleopatra (which I personally maintain). And if it does not work for your use case please let us know what your use case is and we can try to make it better for you. :-)

But indeed for gpg4usb you can't expect help here. They are very likely shipping a horribly outdated version with bugs that have since been fixed.

May 6 2018, 7:20 PM · gpgme, Bug Report

May 5 2018

dcialdella added a comment to T3963: Invalid Crypto Engine - ( Xubuntu 18.04 ) version of GPG4USB & .

I 'll try GPA and Kleopatra, I hope will do the same tasks.
thanks anyway.

May 5 2018, 12:27 PM · gpgme, Bug Report

May 4 2018

dcialdella created T3963: Invalid Crypto Engine - ( Xubuntu 18.04 ) version of GPG4USB & .
May 4 2018, 9:20 AM · gpgme, Bug Report

May 3 2018

dcialdella added a comment to T3919: GPGOL: Could not decrypt the data: Invalid crypto engine.

@aheinecke thanks for the post.
When you said "open a new issue" is create here or in Ubuntu forums a new issue ?
I'll do. when ?
I imagine ni some weeks will be solved but I use the tool everyday for secure text.

May 3 2018, 10:32 PM · gpgme, gpgol, Bug Report, gpg4win

Apr 30 2018

dcialdella added a comment to T3919: GPGOL: Could not decrypt the data: Invalid crypto engine.

gpg 2.2.4-1ubunt amd64 GNU Privacy Guard -- minimalist p

Apr 30 2018, 10:21 AM · gpgme, gpgol, Bug Report, gpg4win
dcialdella added a comment to T3919: GPGOL: Could not decrypt the data: Invalid crypto engine.

I have the same issue with Xubuntu 18.04 lts, and GNUPG.
[Error] Source: GPGME String: "Invalid crypto engine"
[Error] Source: GPGME String: "Invalid crypto engine"
[Error] Source: GPGME String: "Invalid crypto engine"

Apr 30 2018, 8:36 AM · gpgme, gpgol, Bug Report, gpg4win