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sjlongland (Stuart Longland)


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User Details

User Since
Sep 9 2021, 12:38 AM (181 w, 5 d)

Full-stack software developer in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Recent Activity

Oct 31 2021

sjlongland added a comment to T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).

So, I have something working… in the apparent absence of any sort of clear documentation that I could find. I had some time on my hands this afternoon, so had another look.

Oct 31 2021, 7:08 AM · gnupg, Feature Request

Sep 12 2021

sjlongland added a comment to T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).

GnuPG stable (i.e. 2.3.2) has full support for several readers and tokens. This won't be backported to the LTS versions (2.2), though. Better switch.

Sep 12 2021, 4:24 AM · gnupg, Feature Request

Sep 11 2021

sjlongland updated sjlongland.
Sep 11 2021, 1:43 AM
sjlongland added a comment to T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).

I've recently acquired two Yubikeys: one Yubikey 5 NFC from my workplace, and shortly after, I bought a Yubikey 5C for my own personal keys… both security tokens have _different_ keys on them. (There are some questions being asked regarding the use of the same GnuPG key duplicated on separate smartcards; this is a different case).

Sep 11 2021, 1:35 AM · gnupg, Feature Request