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Add a table showing all XHPAST linter rules to the output of `arc linters…

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Add a table showing all XHPAST linter rules to the output of arc linters xhpast

Summary: Now that we have 91 subclasses of ArcanistXHPASTLinterRule, it is becoming difficult to manage the IDs. This diff adds a table to arc linters xhpast workflow to facilitate this.

Test Plan:

> arc xhpast-linter-rules

| ID  | Class                                                 | Name                                                              |
| 1   | ArcanistSyntaxErrorXHPASTLinterRule                   | PHP Syntax Error!                                                 |
| 2   | ArcanistUnableToParseXHPASTLinterRule                 | Unable to Parse                                                   |
| 3   | ArcanistVariableVariableXHPASTLinterRule              | Use of Variable Variable                                          |
| 4   | ArcanistExtractUseXHPASTLinterRule                    | Use of `extract`                                                  |
| 5   | ArcanistUndeclaredVariableXHPASTLinterRule            | Use of Undeclared Variable                                        |
| 6   | ArcanistPHPShortTagXHPASTLinterRule                   | Use of Short Tag `<?`                                             |
| 7   | ArcanistPHPEchoTagXHPASTLinterRule                    | Use of Echo Tag `<?=`                                             |
| 8   | ArcanistPHPCloseTagXHPASTLinterRule                   | Use of Close Tag `?>`                                             |
| 9   | ArcanistNamingConventionsXHPASTLinterRule             | Naming Conventions                                                |
| 10  | ArcanistImplicitConstructorXHPASTLinterRule           | Implicit Constructor                                              |
| 12  | ArcanistDynamicDefineXHPASTLinterRule                 | Dynamic `define`                                                  |
| 13  | ArcanistStaticThisXHPASTLinterRule                    | Use of `$this` in Static Context                                  |
| 14  | ArcanistPregQuoteMisuseXHPASTLinterRule               | Misuse of `preg_quote`                                            |
| 15  | ArcanistPHPOpenTagXHPASTLinterRule                    | Expected Open Tag                                                 |
| 16  | ArcanistTodoCommentXHPASTLinterRule                   | TODO Comment                                                      |
| 17  | ArcanistExitExpressionXHPASTLinterRule                | `exit` Used as Expression                                         |
| 18  | ArcanistCommentStyleXHPASTLinterRule                  | Comment Style                                                     |
| 19  | ArcanistClassFilenameMismatchXHPASTLinterRule         | Class-Filename Mismatch                                           |
| 20  | ArcanistTautologicalExpressionXHPASTLinterRule        | Tautological Expression                                           |
| 21  | ArcanistPlusOperatorOnStringsXHPASTLinterRule         | Not String Concatenation                                          |
| 22  | ArcanistDuplicateKeysInArrayXHPASTLinterRule          | Duplicate Keys in Array                                           |
| 23  | ArcanistReusedIteratorXHPASTLinterRule                | Reuse of Iterator Variable                                        |
| 24  | ArcanistBraceFormattingXHPASTLinterRule               | Brace Placement                                                   |
| 25  | ArcanistParenthesesSpacingXHPASTLinterRule            | Spaces Inside Parentheses                                         |
| 26  | ArcanistControlStatementSpacingXHPASTLinterRule       | Space After Control Statement                                     |
| 27  | ArcanistBinaryExpressionSpacingXHPASTLinterRule       | Space Around Binary Operator                                      |
| 28  | ArcanistArrayIndexSpacingXHPASTLinterRule             | Spacing Before Array Index                                        |
| 30  | ArcanistImplicitFallthroughXHPASTLinterRule           | Implicit Fallthrough                                              |
| 32  | ArcanistReusedAsIteratorXHPASTLinterRule              | Variable Reused As Iterator                                       |
| 34  | ArcanistCommentSpacingXHPASTLinterRule                | Comment Spaces                                                    |
| 36  | ArcanistSlownessXHPASTLinterRule                      | Slow Construct                                                    |
| 37  | ArcanistCallParenthesesXHPASTLinterRule               | Call Formatting                                                   |
| 38  | ArcanistDeclarationParenthesesXHPASTLinterRule        | Declaration Formatting                                            |
| 39  | ArcanistReusedIteratorReferenceXHPASTLinterRule       | Reuse of Iterator References                                      |
| 40  | ArcanistKeywordCasingXHPASTLinterRule                 | Keyword Conventions                                               |
| 41  | ArcanistDoubleQuoteXHPASTLinterRule                   | Unnecessary Double Quotes                                         |
| 42  | ArcanistElseIfUsageXHPASTLinterRule                   | `elseif` Usage                                                    |
| 43  | ArcanistSemicolonSpacingXHPASTLinterRule              | Semicolon Spacing                                                 |
| 44  | ArcanistConcatenationOperatorXHPASTLinterRule         | Concatenation Spacing                                             |
| 45  | ArcanistPHPCompatibilityXHPASTLinterRule              | PHP Compatibility                                                 |
| 46  | ArcanistLanguageConstructParenthesesXHPASTLinterRule  | Language Construct Parentheses                                    |
| 47  | ArcanistEmptyStatementXHPASTLinterRule                | Empty Block Statement                                             |
| 48  | ArcanistArraySeparatorXHPASTLinterRule                | Array Separator                                                   |
| 49  | ArcanistConstructorParenthesesXHPASTLinterRule        | Constructor Parentheses                                           |
| 50  | ArcanistDuplicateSwitchCaseXHPASTLinterRule           | Duplicate Case Statements                                         |
| 51  | ArcanistBlacklistedFunctionXHPASTLinterRule           | Use of Blacklisted Function                                       |
| 52  | ArcanistImplicitVisibilityXHPASTLinterRule            | Implicit Method Visibility                                        |
| 53  | ArcanistCallTimePassByReferenceXHPASTLinterRule       | Call-Time Pass-By-Reference                                       |
| 54  | ArcanistFormattedStringXHPASTLinterRule               | Formatted String                                                  |
| 55  | ArcanistUnnecessaryFinalModifierXHPASTLinterRule      | Unnecessary Final Modifier                                        |
| 56  | ArcanistUnnecessarySemicolonXHPASTLinterRule          | Unnecessary Semicolon                                             |
| 57  | ArcanistSelfMemberReferenceXHPASTLinterRule           | Self Member Reference                                             |
| 58  | ArcanistLogicalOperatorsXHPASTLinterRule              | Logical Operators                                                 |
| 59  | ArcanistInnerFunctionXHPASTLinterRule                 | Inner Functions                                                   |
| 60  | ArcanistDefaultParametersXHPASTLinterRule             | Default Parameters                                                |
| 61  | ArcanistLowercaseFunctionsXHPASTLinterRule            | Lowercase Functions                                               |
| 62  | ArcanistClassNameLiteralXHPASTLinterRule              | Class Name Literal                                                |
| 63  | ArcanistUselessOverridingMethodXHPASTLinterRule       | Useless Overriding Method                                         |
| 64  | ArcanistNoParentScopeXHPASTLinterRule                 | No Parent Scope                                                   |
| 65  | ArcanistAliasFunctionXHPASTLinterRule                 | Alias Functions                                                   |
| 66  | ArcanistCastSpacingXHPASTLinterRule                   | Cast Spacing                                                      |
| 67  | ArcanistToStringExceptionXHPASTLinterRule             | Throwing Exception in `__toString` Method                         |
| 68  | ArcanistLambdaFuncFunctionXHPASTLinterRule            | `__lambda_func` Function                                          |
| 69  | ArcanistInstanceOfOperatorXHPASTLinterRule            | `instanceof` Operator                                             |
| 70  | ArcanistInvalidDefaultParameterXHPASTLinterRule       | Invalid Default Parameter                                         |
| 71  | ArcanistModifierOrderingXHPASTLinterRule              | Modifier Ordering                                                 |
| 72  | ArcanistInvalidModifiersXHPASTLinterRule              | Invalid Modifiers                                                 |
| 73  | ArcanistUnaryPrefixExpressionSpacingXHPASTLinterRule  | Space After Unary Prefix Operator                                 |
| 74  | ArcanistObjectOperatorSpacingXHPASTLinterRule         | Object Operator Spacing                                           |
| 75  | ArcanistUnaryPostfixExpressionSpacingXHPASTLinterRule | Space Before Unary Postfix Operator                               |
| 76  | ArcanistArrayValueXHPASTLinterRule                    | Array Element                                                     |
| 77  | ArcanistListAssignmentXHPASTLinterRule                | List Assignment                                                   |
| 78  | ArcanistInlineHTMLXHPASTLinterRule                    | Inline HTML                                                       |
| 79  | ArcanistGlobalVariableXHPASTLinterRule                | Global Variables                                                  |
| 80  | ArcanistParseStrUseXHPASTLinterRule                   | Questionable Use of `parse_str`                                   |
| 81  | ArcanistNewlineAfterOpenTagXHPASTLinterRule           | Newline After PHP Open Tag                                        |
| 82  | ArcanistEmptyFileXHPASTLinterRule                     | Empty File                                                        |
| 83  | ArcanistParentMemberReferenceXHPASTLinterRule         | Parent Member Reference                                           |
| 84  | ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRule                  | `array_combine()` Unreliable                                      |
| 85  | ArcanistDeprecationXHPASTLinterRule                   | Use of Deprecated Function                                        |
| 86  | ArcanistUnsafeDynamicStringXHPASTLinterRule           | Unsafe Usage of Dynamic String                                    |
| 87  | ArcanistRaggedClassTreeEdgeXHPASTLinterRule           | Class Not `abstract` Or `final`                                   |
| 88  | ArcanistClassExtendsObjectXHPASTLinterRule            | Class Not Extending `Phobject`                                    |
| 90  | ArcanistNestedNamespacesXHPASTLinterRule              | Nested `namespace` Statements                                     |
| 91  | ArcanistThisReassignmentXHPASTLinterRule              | `$this` Reassignment                                              |
| 92  | ArcanistUnexpectedReturnValueXHPASTLinterRule         | Unexpected `return` Value                                         |
| 97  | ArcanistUseStatementNamespacePrefixXHPASTLinterRule   | `use` Statement Namespace Prefix                                  |
| 99  | ArcanistUnnecessarySymbolAliasXHPASTLinterRule        | Unnecessary Symbol Alias                                          |
| 107 | ArcanistAbstractPrivateMethodXHPASTLinterRule         | `abstract` Method Cannot Be Declared `private`                    |
| 108 | ArcanistAbstractMethodBodyXHPASTLinterRule            | `abstract` Method Cannot Contain Body                             |
| 113 | ArcanistClassMustBeDeclaredAbstractXHPASTLinterRule   | `class` Containing `abstract` Methods Must Be Declared `abstract` |

Reviewers: #blessed_reviewers, epriestley

Reviewed By: #blessed_reviewers, epriestley

Subscribers: Korvin

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D14563


Joshua Spence <josh@freelancer.com>Authored on Dec 1 2015, 8:25 PM
rARC87306cfe1453: Add a linter rule for variable reference spacing

Event Timeline

Joshua Spence <josh@freelancer.com> committed rARC5218ec357c5c: Add a table showing all XHPAST linter rules to the output of `arc linters… (authored by Joshua Spence <josh@freelancer.com>).Dec 1 2015, 8:27 PM