**Edited on 2024-08-13 to represent the final order/name changes we want**
In some of the new tabs the column order is suboptimal.
We want to start from the order in the certificate list and adapt it to the needs of the new tables:
Name, E-Mail, Status, Valid From, Valid Until, [Protocol], Key ID, [Fingerprint], [Certification Trust], [Origin], [Last Update], [Issuer], [Serial Number], [Tags], [Algorithm], [Keygrip]
Suggestions for tabs, [] means hidden by default:
* User-IDs
* now: EMail, Name, Trust Level, [Tags], [Origin])
* new: Name, Email, Trust Level, [Origin], [Tags]
* Note: in the main certificate it is still E-Mail (I believe), that would be for another ticket.
* Subkeys
* now: [Key ID], Fingerprint, Valid From, Valid Until, Status, Algorithm, Usage, Storage, [Keygrip]
* new: [Key ID], Fingerprint, Status, Valid From, Valid Until, Usage, Algorithm, Storage, [Keygrip]
* Note: Status here is not the same as Status in the main certificate list, here it is: good, expired, revoked, [...]. No "certified" and "not certified"
* Certifications
* now: User ID / Certification Key ID, Name, E-Mail, Valid From, Valid Until, Status, Exportable, Tags, Trust Signature For)
* new: User ID / Certification Key ID, Name, Email, Status, Exportable, Valid From, Valid Until, [Tags], Trust Signature For
* Note: Status here is not the same as Status in the main certificate list, here it is: valid, revoked, [...]
* Smartcard
* We decided to remove this tab again, as all relevant info from that is in the subkeys tab already
For reference: Smart card view table as implemented recently by Ingo for PIV: Card Key (aka Slot), User ID, Fingerprint, Created, Usage, Algorithm, Keygrip, Actions