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pinentry-qt4 passphrase text field too small (Oxygen Style)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


pinentry-qt4 0.8.1

In the KDE4 default theme the passphrase text field is too small and so the
dialog isn't pretty.



Event Timeline

ludwig set Version to 0.8.1.
ludwig added a subscriber: ludwig.

(The height of the passphrase textfield is too small)

Screenshot shows the small textfield.

aheinecke changed Version from 0.8.1 to 0.8.4.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Ludwig: Is that still an issue with a decent pinentry (0.9.1)?

aheinecke renamed this task from pinentry-qt4 passphrase text field too small to pinentry-qt4 passphrase text field too small (Oxygen Style).May 11 2015, 3:07 PM

Afaik this is not a pinentry-qt issue as the style looks ok under Unity (ubuntu)
and Windows.

I want to investigate why that is the case and figure out what the problem is
exactly (other KDE password entries in the same style environment look slightly
better) so I left this open to remind me.

I've clarified the title.