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GPG OL UI does not load
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User Interface doesn't load on start without user intervention - pressing retry
seems to work; unclear if there's something else that should happen; GPGOL
appears as a tab in main and email windows after Outlook finishes loading.



Event Timeline

jon renamed this task from GPG OL UI does not initialize with Outlook 2010 to GPG OL throws a.Oct 9 2013, 3:56 PM

jon renamed this task from GPG OL throws a to GPG OL UI does not load.Oct 9 2013, 4:02 PM

Please report a bit more than a shreenshot. We prefer to have at least the key
items reported as plain text so that we can search for it.

Please start kleopatra or gpa first - then start Outlook. Does that work?

I've upgraded to the gpg4win Oct 7 release (2.2.1, same version of GPGOL), and it
seems to be launching things in a more reliable order; can not reproduce in