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gpg4win: Localization "Bis" instead of "To" in Kleopatra
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See attached Screenshot. I helped someone to Gpg4Win today and saw this in their
Outlook: "To:" was translated to "Bis:" when it clearly should be "An:".

Event Timeline

werner renamed this task from gpg4win: Localization "Bis" instead of "To" to gpg4win: Localization "Bis" instead of "To" in Kleopatra.Feb 11 2015, 7:00 PM
werner added projects: kleopatra, uiserver.

I've fixed this in the KDE translations.

Updated translations need to be put in gpg4win.

aheinecke removed a project: Restricted Project.

The updated translation is part of gpg4win 2.3.0