I am trying to use the above reader on both win 7 and win 8.1 both 64 bit. I am
using the most recent gpg4win w/ 2.0.27. First, I can say that using Tails on
laptop (2.0.25), all works fine. Using win 7 from laptop, I am never prompted to
use pinpad, instead given input window. This does work when pin entered.
However, I have check and 'disable pin pad' is definitely not checked so should
be using pinpad. On win 8.1, I am propted to enter pin on pinpad, everything
fails. Even wrong pin seems to have no effect on counters. If I specifically
disable pinpad support, I get input window and operations go ahead.
Lack of pinpad entry is of course undesirable but I am additionally confused
that win 7 and win 8 appear to behave differently.
Please advise what logs/debugging you would require and how to enable. I am
reasonably competent but not overly familiar with gpg and its many options.