gpgme 1.9.0-3 (which includes a bunch of post-1.9.0 patches) is failing to build on mipsel with this error:
PASS: t-various ********* Start testing of CryptoConfigTest ********* Config: Using QtTest library 5.9.1, Qt 5.9.1 (mips-little_endian-ilp32-o32-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 7.1.0) PASS : CryptoConfigTest::initTestCase() ========= Received signal, dumping stack ============== ========= End of stack trace ============== QFATAL : CryptoConfigTest::testKeyserver() Test function timed out FAIL! : CryptoConfigTest::testKeyserver() Received a fatal error. Loc: [Unknown file(0)] Totals: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 300010ms ********* Finished testing of CryptoConfigTest ********* /bin/bash: line 5: 898 Aborted GNUPGHOME=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/lang/qt/tests ${dir}$tst FAIL: t-config ====================================== 1 of 9 tests failed Please report to ====================================== Makefile:722: recipe for target 'check-TESTS' failed
Looking at lang/qt/tests/t-config.cpp i see:
class CryptoConfigTest: public QGpgMETest { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void testKeyserver() { // Repeatedly set a config value and clear it // this war broken at some point so it gets a // unit test. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { auto conf = cryptoConfig(); QVERIFY(conf); auto entry = conf->entry(QStringLiteral("gpg"), QStringLiteral("Keyserver"), QStringLiteral("keyserver")); QVERIFY(entry); const QString url(QStringLiteral("hkp://")); entry->setStringValue(url); conf->sync(false); conf->clear(); entry = conf->entry(QStringLiteral("gpg"), QStringLiteral("Keyserver"), QStringLiteral("keyserver")); QCOMPARE (entry->stringValue(), url); entry->setStringValue(QString()); conf->sync(false); conf->clear(); entry = conf->entry(QStringLiteral("gpg"), QStringLiteral("Keyserver"), QStringLiteral("keyserver")); QCOMPARE (entry->stringValue(), QString()); } } void initTestCase() { QGpgMETest::initTestCase(); const QString gpgHome = qgetenv("GNUPGHOME"); qputenv("GNUPGHOME", mDir.path().toUtf8()); QVERIFY(mDir.isValid()); } private: QTemporaryDir mDir; };
This seems like an odd test -- for one thing, the gpg config var "keyserver" is deprecated these days, right? i think that's intended to be a dirmngr config var now.
Is there something specific i should ask the mipsel buildd maintainers to do to help debug this further?