if I create a file simply via "gpg -d " and than afterwards parse this via DecryptVerify method I get:
log_gpgme_backend: log_gpgme_backend: End no plainText. Error: true
and the DecryptionResult/Verify Result:
GpgME::DecryptionResult( error: GpgME::Error(117440570 (No data)) fileName: <null> unsupportedAlgorithm: <null> isWrongKeyUsage: 0 recipients: GpgME::DecryptionResult::Recipient( keyID: 0CCE435AA7CCDA3B shortKeyID: A7CCDA3B publicKeyAlgorithm: RSA status: GpgME::Error(0 (Success))) ) GpgME::VerificationResult( error: GpgME::Error(117440570 (No data)) fileName: signatures: )
Ican understand, that the VerificationResult returns with an error, because the data wasn't signed. But why DecryptionResult indication an error? Because the data could be encrypted successfully for 0CCE435AA7CCDA3B. And I get succesfully the decrypted data in the signal.