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Kleopatra crashes with GPG4Win 3.0
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I just upgraded from Gpg4Win 2.3.4 to version 3.0 and now I cannot sign or check signatures anymore. I use Win 7 (64bit).
Since Kleopatra did not start (see I started it manually. Then I wanted it to check a signature and used the menu File->Decrypt/Verify Files...

As result I only get this cryptic error message before Kleopatra crashes:

In Gpg4Win 2.3.4 this problem does not occur.



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@uwestoehr - Gpg4win 3.0.1 just hitted and tehre are several bugfixes including invoking kleopatra from the right-click menu. Can you please install the new version and check if the error still persists?

aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I'm giving this normal priority because I can't reproduce this.

If it still happens: Was the signature S/MIME or OpenPGP and Opaque (data embedded) or Detached (extra file)?

Can you please install the new version and check if the error still persists?

Many thanks! This bug is fixed in Gpg4win 3.0.1.