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Kleopatra Internal error (218103871)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I get this error when attempting to verify a file:

An error occurred: Kleopatra: assertion "prot != UnknownProtocol" failed in void Kleo::Crypto::VerifyDetachedTask::setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol) (/build/gpg4win/src/playground/build/kleopatra-201709081511/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp:1469): Internal error (218103871)



Event Timeline

zylstra renamed this task from Kelopatra Internal error (218103871) to Kleopatra Internal error (218103871).Nov 21 2017, 5:45 AM
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

What Kind of File were you attempting to Verify (e.g. S/MIME or openpgp, detached or embedded). Ideally if it was a public file I could try to reproduce.

Also we fixed some bugs regarding S/MIME handling so it might be worth it to try again with Gpg4win-3.0.1

aheinecke claimed this task.

I believe that this was fixed in T3658 which reported more clearly what was attempted to verify and what failed.