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Outlook 2016 - file/print error
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In Outlook 2016:

If I select a message and then go to file/print in the main outlook 2016 window, I get "OpenPGP Encrypted message
Please wait while the message is being decrypted / verified..." This does not change and it does not decrypt the message.

If I double click the e-mail message so it open in a new window, and then hit file/print in the newly opened window it works just fine.

Small annoyance to be sure.



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aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I'll look into it, but I can't make a promise that this is fixable, Outlook appears to take the wrong data then for printing :-/

Ok so it was impossible to detect when a mail is printed and block the printing until the decryption was completed.

I've added a new context menu entry which is only visible when right clicking a decrypted mail:

This should help users who often print their mails.
Using File->Print and "Quick Print" still won't work. But I don't see a way to make them work without blocking outlook for every decryption.
I think that this issue can be resolved as this is the best solution I can think of.

In theory I could just override the "Quick Print" button to work also for decrypted mails but this would mean changing it for every mail and I'm not comfortable with affecting actions for non crypto mails.