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cannot work with new encryption panel
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Encrypting a file used to allow me to select keys from a window, the way it currently still is on Linux/Ubuntu (version 2.2.0) (see attached).

In the new version on Windows, I am only presented one key and I am offered the option of adding another one.
But ...
I don't have perfect memory and there are too many things I need to remember already and it would be a serious handicap to have to go elsewhere and find out the which other key I need each time I need to encrypt a file.

I concede it is not a software bug, though I strongly suggest that it can be classed as a design bug.



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aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

If you click on the grey question mark in the "Entry field" when adding recipients you get a dialog that lists all keys and also allows for multiple selection.

Does this solve your problem?

And yes you are not the first user that would not find this option. We need something better there. If you can confirm that this works for you we should edit the issue to make it a Usability bug as a reminder.

Yes, I checked and I can indeed add multiple keys.
No, that does not solve my problem.
Because I absolutely need to be able to see exactly what I am doing and in this respect the previous version (as it still is on Ubuntu) is much, much better.

Moreover, the key in the "encrypt for me" field is NOT listed as I have created it (which further adds to my worry).
The name of the key is "hpvpp (laptop)" and the last bit "(laptop)" is left off and I do need that to distinguish it from the other key which had "(desktop)" at the end.
When I click on the grey question mark, the keys are listed with their full name.