gpg4win 3.1.1 Windows 10 x64 Pro 17134.48, Outlook 2016
Minor issue.
Important note: I'm using the beta5 dll from T3973 so this may be a regression.
- Send a signed/encrypted e-mail to yourself.
- Open the message - wait to verify / decrypt - OK, close the message.
- Open the message - wait a few secs for Outlook to auto-save and trigger the annoying "The properties of this message have been changed. Want to save your changes to this message?" message. Select 'no'.
- Now in preview the message is no longer decrypted/verified and if you open it again it won't be - the body is empty.
Workaround: Just go to a different message and come back. Debug log is here:
Btw there's a typo, but I'm not opening a new report for this :-)
windowmessages.cpp:gpgol_window_proc: Recieved user msg: 1102 - should be Received