I configured successfully a OpenPGP smart card, it can be verified by Kleopatra and by gpg --card-status via powershell. My aim is to keep the private key only on the smart card and keep it away from the computer. Therefore, all keyrings with private keys were deleted in Kleopatra. Only public keys are now stored there. If the smart card is inserted, Kleopatra recognizes the card and all parameter, including keys can be seen. Screenshots can be of course submitted.
Then I wrote a text in the Kleoatra notepad and tried to encrypt it. No keyring was found in Kleopatra, but my public Key could be selected for decription for someone else. I selected that and encryption happened.
However, as I tried to decrypt the file for test purpose, again no private key was found, although the card is recognized. gpg --card-status shows: "General key info..: pub rsa4096/B5ACA4148AFF0103 2019-03-14". Therefore, I believe the private key is on the card. A set of 7 screenshots can be provided by e-mail.