This was tested to allow for Symantec encryption desktop to auto decrypt mail in outlook.
The auto decryption in Symantec handles attachments correctly if they are pre-encrypted before attaching using gpgol.
The two changes are for the mime mail headers.
src/mimemaker.cpp - Starting Line 1634
rc = write_multistring (sink, "Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; name=\"Version.txt\"\r\n" "Content-Description: Version.txt\r\n" "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Version.txt\"; size=12;\r\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n" "\r\n" "VmVyc2lvbjogMQ0K\r\n", NULL); /*Version: 1<cr><nl>*/
src/mimemaker.h - Line 34
#define OPENPGP_ENC_NAME "Message.pgp"