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GpgEX: Windows 10 Right-Click Unencrypted Folder Handling
Open, NormalPublic


Windows 10. Right click on folder containing encrypted files. Select "Decrypt" from context hierarchical menu. Error is displayed: "Error returned by the GnuPG interface: Invalid argument".

Correct result should be either:

  1. Process all files in the folder recursively.
  1. Show a dialog that states that only selected files can be decrypted.


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zorvek created this object in space S1 Public.
zorvek updated the task description. (Show Details)
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Please let us know which version of Gpg4win you are using.

aheinecke renamed this task from Windows 10 Right-Click Folder Errors to Windows 10 Right-Click Unencrypted Folder Handling.May 8 2020, 3:03 PM
aheinecke renamed this task from Windows 10 Right-Click Unencrypted Folder Handling to GpgEX: Windows 10 Right-Click Unencrypted Folder Handling.
aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Right. GpgEX is in serious need of polishing. I'm not sure if I'm in favor of processing all files recursively. But then the decrypt option should not even be shown.

I had a similiar issue where a user was reporting that he could not decrypt a file with the same error because he tried to decrypt a file that was not encrypted by us.

I'm not sure if GpgEX needs to provide more then "Sign & Encrypt" context menu entry as all other stuff should be automatically handled by "Open With Kleopatra". Well if you open an unencrypted file with Kleopatra you will get the Sign & Encrypt dialog anyway, because Kleo uses gpgme_data_identify.

Related: T4030

I see no reason to not allow decryption of an entire folder recursively. The user knows what they are doing by right-clicking a folder instead of a file. You can show a progress dialog with a cancel button.

There should also be an option to decrypt without showing the Kleopatra window and having to click the "Save All" option. Just do what I requested.