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TOFU messages are not completely and correctly localized to German
Open, LowPublic


When i verify a mail, parts of the verification output are in english although the Windows has german UI.

Output looks like this:

gpg: Signatur vom 11/03/20 15:16:54 Mitteleuropäische Zeit
gpg:                mittels RSA-Schlüssel 52DB8012A6031401
gpg: Korrekte Signatur von "Bürger-CERT Newsletter <>" [marginal]
gpg: Verified 15 signatures
     in the past 6 Wochen.  0 Nachrichten verschlüsselt.
gpg: WARNUNG: Sie müssen noch eine verschlüselte Nachricht an diesen Schlüssel senden!
gpg: WARNUNG: Dieser Schlüssel ist nicht durch hinreichend vertrauenswürdige Signaturen zertifiziert!
gpg:          Es ist nicht sicher, daß die Signatur wirklich dem vorgeblichen Besitzer gehört.
Haupt-Fingerabdruck  = B54A 4B62 8EA2 CEE3 A409  4665 52DB 8012 A603 1401



Event Timeline

werner renamed this task from Messages are not completely and correctly localized to German to TOFO messages are not completely and correctly localized to German.Nov 3 2020, 11:14 PM
werner triaged this task as Low priority.
werner edited projects, added gnupg (gpg22), i18n; removed gnupg.
werner added a subscriber: werner.

The whole TOFU stuff hash not yet been fully translated because there are conceptional problems with the way the code works.

werner renamed this task from TOFO messages are not completely and correctly localized to German to TOFU messages are not completely and correctly localized to German.Nov 3 2020, 11:15 PM

It is unlikely that the tofu stuff will get into widespread use in the 2.2 version - if at all.