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Kleopatra: Configure expiration date default in config
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Regarding better configuration of Kleopatra we have at least one customer who wishes to change the default expiration time.

I am a bit unsure about the syntax, as we do this through config files I don't think it needs to be really human readable like the GnuPG expiration time (2y for 2 years etc.) I think a number of days would be enough. With 0 standing in for no expiration.

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aheinecke created this task.

--quick-gen-key supports this but there is no general option; the 2 years are hard coded.

Quick gen key is only used for the keygen in GpgOL and KMail. Kleopatra itself uses the old batch generate interface.

ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Dec 1 2021, 11:48 AM
ikloecker changed the task status from Open to Testing.Dec 1 2021, 11:50 AM
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.

The default validity period can be specified in the configuration file with


0 is interpreted as unlimited validity (== no expiration). On negative values the hard-coded internal default of two years is used. If the setting is not specified, then -1 is assumed, i.e. a validity of two years.

Immutability of the setting is respected.

werner removed a project: Restricted Project.Sep 22 2022, 10:59 AM
ebo claimed this task.
ebo added a subscriber: ebo.

works as described by Ingo

ebo moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Apr 5 2023, 2:58 PM