When using GPG on windows to sign git commits by adding the following git config:
[commit] gpgsign = true [gpg] program = "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\gpg.exe"
The every time I get asked to enter my password for the key I am using I am presented with the following dialog where my name is garbled.
By contrast when I open up a command line and type in
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin> .\gpg.exe -k /c/Users/bbs/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ------------------------------- pub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [SC] 0F20E48DEA9FD7A5626DBA0067BDA85044042E3B uid [ultimate] Bjørn Bouet Smith <bjornsmith@gmail.com> sub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [E]
My name turns out as expected
GPG info:
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.29-unknown libgcrypt 1.9.3-unknown Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GNU GPL-3.0-or-later <https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Home: /c/Users/bbs/.gnupg Supported algorithms: Pubkey: RSA, ELG, DSA, ECDH, ECDSA, EDDSA Cipher: IDEA, 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH, CAMELLIA128, CAMELLIA192, CAMELLIA256 Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224 Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2
So to me it seems like that whatever creates the pinentry dialog assumes ASCII or another character set.
I am using the GPG that comes with the git installation.