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Kleopatra: Put help info on welcome page
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People often do not read the quick-guides for GnuPG VSD.
It seems they just click on the big button "new keypair" although they only use symmetric encryption. This leads to all kinds of confusion later.

Therefore we need at least links to the quick guides and the video on symmetric encryption on the welcome page. I'd like to add some short text on how to decide what to use, too. Or a link to a page where we explain this.

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aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I do not agree that this will help much, but I am all for changing the string "Find more info on Wikipedia" into something like "See the Quickguide for a short introduction".

I suggest to make the following text changes for the VSD versions only:

After the first sentence "Kleopatra is…" Insert "\n\nFor password based encryption see this [link to guide| guide].

s/For most actions you need/For public key encryption you need/

And instead of "You can learn more about this on <a href="%1">Wikipedia</a>."
"You can find step-by-step instructions for public key encryption in this <a href="%1">quick guide</a>.

Doing the changes to the text is easy enough, but I'm not sure whether we have a nice way of doing something only in a VSD version.

@ikloecker do you know something? should it just check whether compliance is active?

There's the VERSION file that is used for customizing the About data for VSD and GnuPG Desktop. It's an ini format file that's read with QSettings.

For the links we could use something like action:name-of-corresponding-docaction because the doc-actions already know the correct path of the PDF guides and can open them. Maybe we could make the text depend on the presence/absence of the corresponding doc-actions. Then we could simply hardcode the alternative texts. Not really nicely extensible, but it fits the doc-actions hack. And it would avoid having a link in the Welcome text that points to a not existing file.

TobiasFella set External Link to
TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
TobiasFella changed the task status from Open to Testing.Jan 6 2025, 9:39 AM

Backported for VSD 3.3

ebo removed a project: Restricted Project.Jan 7 2025, 2:14 PM

removing the gpgcom tag as its only relevant for vsd and is already backported

OK in VS-Desktop-

ebo edited projects, added vsd33 (vsd-3.3.0); removed vsd33.