FIPS 186-5 ( was released an now specifies support for EdDSA signatures using the Ed25519 and Ed448 signatures schemes in section 7 and the Ed25519ph and Ed448ph schemes in section 7.8.
Enabling them in FIPS Mode, should be just flipping the fips bit in ecc-curves.c, adjusting the tests, selftests and PCT tests, ...
But it looks like the new digest&sign API is not compatible with the EdDSA as it requires the direct value in the data argument, so this will likely need some love to be able to implement PCT tests and use the EdDSA from the "approved" API.
I have a draft MR with the part of simple changes to the tests and the curves definitions, but it is missing the PCT, Selftest and I did not go through the guidance to verify the implementation matches the NIST requirements