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GpgOL: Prefer S/MIME might result in different results with internal and external resolution
Open, NormalPublic


There is a report when you have both trustworthy and compliant keys for all recipients and prefer S/MIME enabled the interal resolver of Outlook would still resolve to OpenPGP while the external resolver resolves to S/MIME.

This might be possible I think because the internal resolver could assign directly verified keys a higher trust level then S/MIME keys and would then prefer OpenPGP.

The intend of the customer though seems to be "if at all possible use S/MIME" instead of "prefer S/MIME"

Event Timeline

aheinecke created this task.

Another customer case with "always show security-dialog" on (-> external resolver):

With "prefer S/MIME" on, for a recipient who only has an OpenPGP certificate this is not offered, as S/MIME stays selected in the resolver.
Expected: If only an OpenPGP certificate is available, the resolver should switch to that.

aheinecke raised the priority of this task from Low to Normal.Sep 6 2023, 12:50 PM
aheinecke added projects: Restricted Project, kleopatra.
werner mentioned this in Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).Sep 26 2024, 3:36 PM
ebo edited projects, added gpd5x; removed Restricted Project.Dec 17 2024, 9:18 AM