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GnuPG: ERRSIG for non compliant signatures in de_vs mode
Open, WishlistPublic


There seems to be a regression in 2.2.41 at least I think the behavior was different in the past.

Instead of getting a verify result with de_vs=false i get an error "Invalid public key algorithm"

echo foo | gpg -s | ~/Downloads/gnupg-vs-desktop- -c gpg --status-fd 1 --verify --auto-key-import 

[GNUPG:] ERRSIG 2978E9D40CBABA5C 22 10 00 1691669111 4 7093194AADBB8A2D14D3C9172978E9D40CBABA5C
gpg: Can't check signature: Invalid public key algorithm

This results in GpgOL treating such mails as if they are unsigned, while they should be presented as "Trust Level 2" (Reported to me by @ebo as a GpgOL issue)

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aheinecke created this task.

Mmh, ok this does not seem like a regression, at least if I go back to one of my oldest appimages with 3.1.21 I still get ERRSIG.

We have no dedicated error to tell that the verification failed due to an non-compliant algorithm. Thus we return invalid public key algorithms as best approximation. You could use --override-compliance-check, though. We discussed things thing once at the Gutenbergweg.

aheinecke lowered the priority of this task from High to Wishlist.Aug 14 2023, 2:22 PM

I think that might have been some idea we had before we added --require-compliance and proper display of non compliant signatures in KMail and Kleopatra and wanted to ensure that non compliant signatures are not "Green".
But since this is not a regression we might even consider not changing this in 2.2 anymore but instead do some relaxation how we treat non compliant signatures both for creation and verification in 2.4 I see T6644 as related.