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Kleopatra: Config files moved "accidentally" in the last release
Closed, InvalidPublic


Since moving to Qt5 we had a patch in there so that all the config files were placed in %APPDATA%\kleopatra for our applications. We did that by shipping a qt.conf and with the patch:

At some point early in the 3.x series and before the first GnuPG VS-Desktop release which was 3.1.15 this stopped working though and we did not notice until it was too late and the config files were a bit all over the place again.

Now though (probably because of the Qt update we did) that patch is working again. This is neat because everything is in the proper directory (APPDATA and not LOCALAPPDATA) and in its own folder.

Currently the goal is to have this in the same directory as gpgconf --homedir in a subfolder. Probably now more aptly named "fronted" or something like that since it also contains okularrc.

But we have no migration. I had noticed this some time ago but did not track it and forgot about this and since we mostly test on fairly clean systems I think this slipped by our QA.While the Gpg4win users have not complined I think they lots their settings, most importantly the kleopatragroupsrc. We need to test this, and have a migration.
If we don't get around to fixing this issue before the next release we can just stop applying the patch and it should revert to the old behavior. So currently my plan is to do just that and see if we can maybe use some Qt API nowadays for this / have a migration in one of the next releases.

Needs attention before a GnuPG VS-Desktop release though. So high priority.

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aheinecke created this task.

I misunderstood the issue. When I created the GnuPG VS-Desktop package I did not wrote a qt.conf file which thanks to our patch caused all config files for Gpg4win to be placed under %APPDATA%\kleopatra. This was by accident since it uses NSIS FileWrite and FileWrite is not supported in our NSIS to MSI packaging.

But this is not a regression at all, it has always been this way, I only misinterpreted that. So Gpg4win writes all config to %APPDATA%\kleopatra while GnuPG VS-Desktop writes its KDE config files a bit all over the place.
But what we want to have is to write all our kde config files into the GnuPG Homedir, which needs a call to gpgconf very early on or we duplicate how the homedir is detected by GnuPG. Still that is a different issue and then we will have to write a migrator. If no such task is open I will open one. And close this one here as Invalid as I saw an issue where there was none.