Edit: It was decided that GNUPGHOME gets a subfolder kleopatra, where all these config files should go
Noticed when checking out where to find the settings for the new notifications mentioned here https://dev.gnupg.org/T6766#177906 :
On Windows there is no section [Notification Messages] in the kleopatrarc.
Instead the choice to not show a notification message again is written to %LOCALAPPDTA%kleopatra/kleopatra.kmessagebox
At least for the notifications regarding certifications.
According to Ingo there are two implementations of KMessageBoxDontAskAgainInterface. In KWidgetsAddons and in frameworks integration. On Windows it seems an other implementation is used than on Linux. This should be unified.
Additionally the kleopatrarc on a new system is saved without subdirectory to AppData/Local instead of Appdata/Roaming/kleopatra, where it belongs.
And the kleopatragroupsrc will still be created there, too, instead of in Appdata/Roaming/kleopatra.
In T6669 this was already documented but it was not acted upon.
The following screenshot are from a quite new VM, on older ones where several versions have been installed, there will be two kleopatrarc s.