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Kleopatra: Help submenu empty everywhere except for VSD
Open, LowPublic


I noticed an uglyness in Kleopatra but I am not sure what to do about it. For GnuPG VSD I added in kleopatra.rc:

<Menu name="help_more">
    <text>&amp;More documentation</text>
    <Action name="help_doc_cert_management"/>
    <Action name="help_doc_smartcard"/>
    <Action name="help_doc_gnupg"/>

As a submenu in help. But for Gpg4win and Kleopatra on Linux (so you can reproduce this just by looking at help on linux) this is an empty entry. But I don't know how I can look it up and make it invisible in case it is empty.
I can probably look it up but I thought better to ask you first.

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 16 2023, 4:04 PM
aheinecke created this task.

The submenu is empty because the referenced actions don't exist outside of VSD builds, right?

I'd say it's a bug or a missing feature in KXMLGui that empty submenus are not hidden. I didn't find any useful information regarding empty submenus in a quick scan of the documentation.

aheinecke lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.EditedOct 17 2023, 7:15 AM

Yes, it consists of libkleo DocAction actions which are invisible unless they find the document which they would open. I expect that I can somehow find the menu element and then hide it. But a patch against KXMLGui to hide empty submenus automatically might be a better use of our time. So I put this in the backlog and if someone wants to pick it up in some downtime feel free to fix this :)

I got an idea. Since the gnupg manual is part of that submenu I will include the gnupg manual in Gpg4win. Not sure yet what to do about Linux since we don't have the manual there as PDF. Maybe just an online link to the GnuPG documentation in that case.