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gpg: Support of No CRC in ASCII armor
Testing, LowPublic


In gpg/g10/armor.c, I found:

/* No CRC at all is legal ("MAY") */

But with current implementation, it actually requires a character = after base64 encoded data.

It's good to support no CRC checksum at all (I mean, with no =) in ASCII armored data.

In the specification, it says:

The checksum with its leading equal sign MAY appear on the first line after the base64 encoded data.

My interpretation is that the checksum (= plus three characters) is optional.

Event Timeline

gniibe triaged this task as Low priority.
gniibe created this task.

The following patch works.

diff --git a/g10/armor.c b/g10/armor.c
index b47c04ab3..81af15339 100644
--- a/g10/armor.c
+++ b/g10/armor.c
@@ -1031,10 +1031,10 @@ radix64_read( armor_filter_context_t *afx, IOBUF a, size_t *retn,
-        else if (afx->dearmor_state && c == '-'
+        else if (c == '-'
                  && afx->buffer_pos + 8 < afx->buffer_len
                  && !strncmp (afx->buffer, "-----END ", 8)) {
-            break; /* End in --dearmor mode.  */
+            break; /* End in --dearmor mode or No CRC.  */
 	else {
 	    log_error(_("invalid radix64 character %02X skipped\n"), c);

It's better to keep accepting a single = for backward compatibility for no CRC.

Applied to master. If no problem will be found, I'll apply to 2.4 branch too.
Let's see.

gniibe changed the task status from Open to Testing.Apr 22 2024, 8:05 AM

Applied to 2.4 branch.

When CHECKCRC == 0 (no CRC), ->any_data was not set, resulted

	no valid OpenPGP data found.


gniibe changed the task status from Open to Testing.Mon, Jan 20, 7:13 AM

Reported gnupg channel on IRC.
An ascii armored file in question was: