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Improve UX of "subkey expiry change" window
Testing, NormalPublic


This is what the change expiry window currently looks like for a subkey:

"Unlimited validity" is confusing for the user, as "unlimited" is the same as the date of the primary key. How about "Same validity as the primary key"?
The hint for the date is always there and does not tell you what is important. A much better text would be "The expiry date of the subkey is not allowed to be after the one of the primary key" or better shorter "An expiry date after $DATE is not possible". If you want to be nice, take the latter one for the text and make a tool tip from the first one.


Version (Gpg4win-4.3.2-beta41)

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We could also phrase it more like a sentence, something like

This subkey should expire:
    o when the primary key expires
    o on <Datepicker>

As for showing the maximum validity date, rephrasing to make it clear that this is the maximum date definitely makes sense.

I think we also should invest some time in making KDateComboBox better at handling the range of acceptable dates that's been configured, but that's stuff for a different ticket,

Unfortunately, sentence like UIs are a nightmare for translators. The only thing that works for all languages is self-contained text fragments.

I think the current dialog is mostly okay. We just need to change the text of the first option. "Same validity as the primary key" works for me. I would add the expiration date of the primary key in parenthesis to this text.

Adding the allowed range directly to the second option would make it easier to understand. Maybe "Valid until (between ... and ...):" (iff the primary key has an expiration date).

Then we don't need the extra line with the expiration date of the primary key.

TobiasFella changed the task status from Open to Testing.Aug 5 2024, 11:38 AM
TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
ebo edited projects, added gpd5x; removed Restricted Project.Fri, Mar 21, 5:04 PM
ebo moved this task from Backlog to WIP on the gpd5x board.