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Kleopatra: Remove not relevant context menu items in details
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It is confusing that one can add or revoke a certification for a user-ID from the right-click menu when a certification is selected instead of the user-ID. Those actions should be removed there, especially because we now have a button for this action in the details view:

I would only leave it in the context menu if the User-ID is selected instead of one of its certifications.



Revisions and Commits

rLIBKLEO Libkleo
rKLEOPATRA Kleopatra

Event Timeline

I'd say having the "Remove Certification" action when a certification is selected does make sense.

Having the "Add Certification" option when a certification is selected is indeed confusing and should be disabled

Try it. It does not do what you think ;-)
You will revoke the certification of the User-Id and not remove that one certification. I should have taken a better example for the screenshot:

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 2 2024, 9:17 AM

I would propose two more changes to make the dialog behave in a way that seems logical to me:

  • Only show the most recent certification/revocation by each respective certificate
  • Make sure that in the dialog that opens up when clicking "Revoke Certification" on a *User ID*, only the most recent certification by each certificate shows up

Then it makes sense to keep the "Revoke" action when clicking on a certification (to revoke just this certification) and when clicking on a user id (to revoke all certifications)

Very good suggestion! +1
I believe Werner and Alexander will agree, too, as we talked about that tab the other day and that showing only the last certification would be preferable

TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.

Implemented in and

  • Hide/Disable the certify action when a certification is selected
  • Show only the most recent certification / revokation in the list and in the dialog showing which certifications will be revoked
TobiasFella changed the task status from Open to Testing.Aug 27 2024, 2:53 PM
ebo edited projects, added gpd5x; removed Restricted Project.Wed, Mar 12, 4:11 PM

Looks good, Gpg4win-5.0.0-beta145:

  • only the last certification (or revocation of one) by any certificate is shown in the certification list any more
  • certification action is no longer shown in the context of the certifications, only revocation for that certification, either greyed out or normal, depending on the availability of the secret key:

  • context of the User ID:

  • when you choose Revocation in the UID context, all certifications by secret keys you own will be revoked (after confirmation):

ebo moved this task from Backlog to Done on the gpd5x board.