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Kleopatra: Support Kyber generation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We need two things here:

  • Allow the generation of Kyber keys.
  • Restrict this in vs-de mode to ky768_bp256 and ky1024_bp384

The listing of algorithms should already work with gpgme and gnupg26 from master. For the generation an appropriate parameter file as shown below needs to be provided.

Key-Type: ECDSA
Key-Curve: brainpoolP256r1
Subkey-Type: kyber
Subkey-Length: 768
Subkey-Curve: brainpoolP256r1
Name-Real: Lord Helmchen

Event Timeline

werner created this task.
werner created this object with edit policy "Contributor (Project)".
ikloecker renamed this task from Support Kyber generation in Kleopatra to Kleopatra: Support Kyber generation.Nov 14 2024, 4:38 PM
ikloecker changed the task status from Open to Testing.
ikloecker moved this task from Backlog to WIP on the gpd5x board.

Ready for testing. Note that you also need gpgme master.

werner closed this task as Resolved.EditedDec 4 2024, 2:46 PM
werner moved this task from WIP to Done on the gpd5x board.

Works for me in an NSIS installer. The VSD beta thing also works with copied conf files.
(gpg4win-5.0.0-beta27 with some local mods)