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- User Since
- Mar 7 2020, 9:14 PM (264 w, 2 d)
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Apr 9 2020
Apr 9 2020
Moonchild added a comment to T4249: No connection to Keyserver possible.
I'm honestly surprised this isn't being given any sort of priority.
gnupg for windows is simply broken. Even Kleopatra, its supplied and designated key management application doesn't work re: keyserver communication.
Mar 9 2020
Mar 9 2020
Moonchild added a comment to T4249: No connection to Keyserver possible.
I'm using enigmail 1.9.9 because I'm on a mail client that doesn't use WebExtensions, so it's using gnupg for keyserver stuff. In this case that means I've been able to verify it's a gnupg issue (both Kleopatra and enigmail displaying the same issue as CLI).
Moonchild added a comment to T4249: No connection to Keyserver possible.
Just registered to report pretty much the same.
I've been using gpg 2 for a long while and it's been doing just fine, up to the point where people started using keys it didn't recognise that require a later version.