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- User Since
- May 18 2021, 8:57 PM (195 w, 2 d)
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May 19 2021
May 19 2021
cesar.portilla added a comment to T5324: Kleopatra: Add recursive folder decryption.
I did a new test and found that if it is a single file regardless of disk size, no error appears, but when there are multiple files in a single encrypted folder with a size greater than 1.5GB, the error occurs. Traverse a directory like Zorvek and Aheinecke wrote would be an optimal solution or at least some alert messsage to be aware of the action no supported.
May 18 2021
May 18 2021
cesar.portilla added a comment to T5324: Kleopatra: Add recursive folder decryption.
I have the same message when i try to decrypt files larger than 1.5GB in size; i atached the report "gpgconf --show-version"