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- User Since
- Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (414 w, 1 d)
- Availability
- Available
Aug 23 2019
And also this is excellent point.
May 20 2019
Thanks Gniibe San for explanation.
Mar 30 2019
Sorry i think i blabbered without understanding context.
I wish gnupg natively supports creating backup cards. To be able to import
private key material to do another keyto card. And every time it moves that
to card and removes from gnupg.
For exactly same key material on tokens. Just before writing first token
backup .gnupg folder or export all key info. Do key to card. Delete .gnupg
folder and restore from backup and keytocard second token.
Mar 29 2019
On the other hand if we want to track which token is used by having multiple unexpired signing subkeys and each token have its own subkey is a possible usecase where multiple admins have the tokens.
I think if we have to update one token then we have to update backup token as well if moved to new subkey.
Sorry, ignore my comment if there is something with subkeys and you are
already using latest gnupg.
This is already implemented by yutaka.
Sep 25 2017
What is the benefit of two subkeys?
Sep 21 2017
Sorry previosly I asked for more slots for keys on token. But its not
needed one. I dont even know it is a valid request but
GnuPG by design uses latest sub keys so in your setup office and home one
of them is latest.
After reading PIV and using PIV token I understood how much simple and easy
GnuPG is by design. You guys rock.
Is it you are moving to new sub keys? if yes do we still need outdated old
subkeys? Is it safe to cleanup old subkeys?
Apr 22 2017
litmus test will be :
Jan 1 2017
Steps to reproduce:
- raspberry pi: create one master keypair(Certify) and three subkeys (Sign,
Encrypt, Authenticate). (I will still refer to these three subkeys as just subkeys)
- raspberry pi: backup ~/.gnupg
- insert hardware token yubikey1 and keytocard subkeys and eject the yubikey1
- raspberry pi: delete ~/.gnupg and restore ~/.gnupg from backup
- insert hardware token yubikey2 and keytocard subkeys and eject the yubikey2
- repeat steps 4, 5 for remaining gnuk, nitrokey or yubikeys.
- Now keep yubikey1 with you, give yubikey2 to your spouse, yubikey3 to your child.
- encrypt backup with gnupg using symmetric cipher.
- export public key.
- wipe ~/.gnupg
- Insert new formatted usb drive and copy public key.
- shared family laptop: import the public key from usb. insert yubikey1 and
fetch the subkeys to let gnupg know that the private keys are on hardware token.
- shared family laptop: encrypt and decrypt a file successfully with yubkey1.
- shared family laptop: insert spouses yubikey2 try decrypt the file encrypted
before. gnupg will not just ask but insist to insert card with a yubikey1 serial
number while you have yubikey2 which in this case also has the same subkeys that
can be used to decrypt the file.
Bug: gnupg does not let shared key usage while using hardware tokens on a shared
expected: gnupg should be able to decrypt using any of the yubikeys having
required subkeys.
Please consider: not all hardware tokens have serial numbers printed on them,
consider gnuk or nitro key. It is smart to put a stiker or use permanent marker
to mark keyid on the token incase of having multiple tokens. Another plus about
gnuk is that choose/change my serial number at will.
So, Please ask for a card with a keyid than serial number.
Thank you for thinking on this.
Can user be asked "Please insert hardware token containing 0xXXXXXXXX key". I
guess users are smart enough (considering they are using gnupg) and would write
the keyid on their tokens if needed. If they only own one token which is most of
the time they just insert that. If they own multiple they will recognize by
color or a persoanlized sticker on the key or a permanent marker markings on
their card.
Sorry, I used the word ccid just to mean a hardware token.
I believe many want to have backup hardware tokens. Again this allows a family
share a laptop and still own the shared key in their own hardware tokens.
Here is the version information:
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.11
libgcrypt 1.6.5
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:
Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2