This is a test account of mine. In general I use the account werner
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- User Since
- Mar 30 2017, 5:27 PM (411 w, 1 d)
- Availability
- Available
Apr 3 2017
Apr 3 2017
wk updated subscribers of T3030: Test failure: test using user's keyring instead of fresh keyring?.
wk added a comment to T3028: calling make check after building fails.
Can you please run
cd tests/openpgp
make check XTESTS=4gb-packet.scm verbose=4
wk removed a project from T3029: make install does not configure/link installation for libgcrypt for gpg2: gnupg (gpg21).
wk added projects to T3029: make install does not configure/link installation for libgcrypt for gpg2: Not A Bug, FAQ.
wk added a comment to T3029: make install does not configure/link installation for libgcrypt for gpg2.
This is no a bug but a non-proper installation of libgcrypt. In fact the output
of libgcrypt's "make install" shows hints on how to finish the install; also
pointing to ldconfig.
In general it is not easy to install a newer version of a library on a system
which already has an older version of that library.