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- User Since
- Aug 9 2023, 12:12 PM (79 w, 6 d)
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- Available
Aug 18 2023
Aug 18 2023
ydixken added a comment to T6641: pinentry-tty & pinentry-curses breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed.
Hi @gniibe - thanks for your fix.
Aug 10 2023
Aug 10 2023
ydixken updated the task description for T6641: pinentry-tty & pinentry-curses breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed.
ydixken updated the task description for T6641: pinentry-tty & pinentry-curses breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed.
ydixken renamed T6641: pinentry-tty & pinentry-curses breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed from pinentry-tty breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed to pinentry-tty & pinentry-curses breaks tty when timeout occurs or CTRL-C is pressed.