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As attachment forwarded crypto email can't decrypt/verify by GpgOL
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Send yourself a crypto email (sign or enc, smime or openpgp).
Forward this email as attachment (without crypto) to yourself and sign the message.
Receive the forwarded email. GpgOL verified the signature.

-> Problem: GpgOL can't decrypt/verify the forwarded crypto message. If opening
the attachment "gpgol004.eml" Outlook Express starts. (-> no GpgOL crypto

Tested with GpgOL 1.0.0 + Oultook2003SP3 + WinXPSP3.

Event Timeline

werner lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.Jul 29 2009, 9:28 AM

T2854 is a duplicate of this but contains more up to date information. So I'm closing this issue.