I using Win 10, 64 bit, Gpgp4win 3..1.3 and Outlook 2016 with GpgOL 2.3.0 Addon. If I want to write an encrypted and / or signed e-mail with an attachment which is not in ASCII format, a crash by sending appears (after I entered my private key). Outlook must be manually re-loaded and I can find my mail in the drafts folder. It is not possible for me to send it out from where. No error message is delivered.
The situation is different, if no attachment or only an ASCII attachment is used. Then Outlook crashes as well, but loads automatically in few seconds again and the file is automatically copied into the drafts folder and will be automatically delivered from where after reloading.
This situation is new and it was not observed in older versions. It does not matter whether I attach a PDF or Office document, it fails always. Only ASCII files could be transmitted so for. I would appreciate your support! THANKS