have just installed gpg4win on a German PC and told it to use US English as main language. Figured it would be easier to get help that way. Unfortunately, Kleopatra speaks German now and I can't convince her to change that in Help/Change language. She acts as she would change but doesn't. Reboot didn't help. What am I missing?
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- 3.1.3-gpg4win-3.1.4 5.43.0, Gpg4win
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- T5346: Configure language problem
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As for getting Help, we all speak German ;-P
It's suprising though that it does not change the language. There is a bug that after switching the language some buttons will still be in the system languate (as their captions are taken from the system) but in general it should change.
It is possible though that some environment variables overwrite the language selected in the config dialog.
Can you please open a command line (cmd.exe) and enter "set" and there look for variables: "LANG" "LANGUAGE" or variables starting with "LC_" if there are such variables set they could overwrite the setting.
Hi, I have the same problem, in Italian Language becouse this is the system language!
Kleopatra 3.1.15 on Windows 10
still actual problem (Gpg4win-3.1.15, Windows 10)
in my case, english and russian languages mixed, even if i set primary language (in both windows and kleopatra) to english.
tried to add environment variable "LANGUAGE" to "en_us"
there is also problem with encoding in context menu items
Can confirm this problem still exists in version 3.1.16. The context menu in Windows Explorer and some menu entries in Kleopatra are in the wrong language, while most of the application is in the correct language. This looks very messy.
Gpg4win and Kleopatra should not look at the date/format locale settings for the language, but at the actual Windows display language.
Unfortunately I am no coder and cannot fix this bug myself.
However, the problem seems obvious, a query similar to the powershell command Get-WinSystemLocale is used, while in fact Get-WinUserLanguageList should be used. Perhaps the installer can run this Get-WinUserLanguageList command during installation as an easy or temporary fix.
Hi, I have the same problem, in Italian Language becouse this is the system language!
Kleopatra 3.1.16 on Windows 10
I can confirm that Kleopatra seems to use the system's locale and not the system language, using English language with Dutch locales myself. The language selection dialog shows the correct languages (en_GB as primary and en_US as fallback) but the interface is Dutch.
Kleopatra 3.1.16 on Windows 10 21H1
This has been fixed in the meantime. If you should still experience this problem with Gpg4win 4.4.0 then reopen this ticket.